Dog Has Blood In Urine


  • The red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body
  • temperament or disposition; “a person of hot blood”
  • An internal bodily fluid, not necessarily red, that performs a similar function in invertebrates
  • Violence involving bloodshed
  • the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; “blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products”; “the ancients believed that blood was the seat of the emotions”
  • smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill


  • Urine is a sterile, liquid by-product of the body that is secreted by the kidneys through a process called urination and excreted through the urethra. Cellular metabolism generates numerous by-products, many rich in nitrogen, that require elimination from the bloodstream.
  • liquid excretory product; “there was blood in his urine”; “the child had to make water”
  • Liquid excrement consisting of water, salts and urea, which is made in the kidneys, stored in the bladder, then released through the urethra
  • A watery, typically yellowish fluid stored in the bladder and discharged through the urethra. It is one of the body’s chief means of eliminating excess water and salt and also contains nitrogen compounds such as urea and other waste substances removed from the blood by the kidneys


  • A domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking, howling, or whining voice. It is widely kept as a pet or for work or field sports
  • The male of an animal of the dog family, or of some other mammals such as the otter
  • a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; “the dog barked all night”
  • chase: go after with the intent to catch; “The policeman chased the mugger down the alley”; “the dog chased the rabbit”
  • A wild animal of the dog family
  • frump: a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman; “she got a reputation as a frump”; “she’s a real dog”

dog has blood in urine


I am writing this to you with a very sad heart. Our little Milo passed away last night. He has been failing for a few months now; and although all his blood work, urine, etc. came back good, he just seemed to be "tired". He became so disoriented as to his whereabouts these last few weeks; just wandering around the house aimlessly. He no longer could go out and back to the yard without being carried in and out and once out there, had no idea where he was.

Milo was a very unique little guy. Never truly comfortable with the human touch, he did know that I was a safe haven. Whenever he became frightened (such as with thunder and lightening) he would come and lie under my legs, but would windmill his legs if I picked him up to hold him. He brought two groomers to tears because he fought them so when they tried to groom him. I was the only one that could do him – and that took me and another family member to hold him for me.

This little dog had a big place in our hearts and all the other dogs knew he was special. He only liked one bed; a little hut bed that we bought him years ago. If someone else went in the bed when he was up and about, he would stand and stare in at them until they vacated his spot. He will be very missed by all of us.

Winter Promenade

Winter Promenade
Benny the Boxer had some blood in his urine. Danuta took him to the vet. It turned out to be a prostate problem. He will be on medication from tomorrow. Here he is out on a winter promenade at Bergdalen earlier today.